About Us
We believe that personalized care and innovative beauty science will can help you feel even more excited to be your authentic self.

Veronica Medina, NP

Owner & Founder

I am a parent of 4 children, group in northern California, love pets have cats, birds, dog. Foster kittens. I work as a health services coordinator/nurse practitioner for a local school district and enjoy working with children including special needs (medically fragile) children working to enhance their academic success. The Demographic I work with is the under-served population. I have personal experience on how beauty illuminates our soul, I love to tell patients my personal journey of how beauty has helped me become confident and find my self worth. My goal is to help as many people as I can with their weight-loss and beauty journey at a reasonable cost knowing how hard it is to afford these services as a single working parent with 4 children and mounting financial responsibilities My extensive experience in wound care gives me a solid foundation of skin care/repair, etc.


RN, 2010

MSN, 2014

FNP, 2014